Whom Should I Fear?

One of my all time favorite songs is Chris Tomlin's "God of Angel Armies" or better known as "Whom shall I fear?"

There is a great truth in this song. One that isn't well practiced among many believers.

There is great fear that harms our witnesses and the credibility we have as Believers in Christ.

We fear politics and politicians, we fear Muslims and terrorists, we fear people who are different, we fear weapons and those who do not know how to use them or use them to harm others, and we even fear God himself, not in the way we should, but fear that He is going to ask or command us to do something that'll take us out of the comfort zone. that last one is one I struggle with greatly...

But why? Why are we like this? Why are we so afraid of things outside of our control... or is that it? at the core, I truly believe, our fear is to not be in control of what is happening around us and to us. I dunno if I stepped on your toes, but I sure stepped on my own!

Why are we like that when God himself said to Isaiah in Isaiah 41, "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."


"Fear Not" appears a total of 365 times in God's Word... 365 times... why does that number seem so familiar... oh wait, there are 365 days in a year. there's no way that's a coincidence. 365 times, once per each day, God has told us to fear not!

I think back to a story Mom stumbled on on Facebook, where this woman was carjacked by an armed criminal, who placed his gun to her head. I honestly see myself terrified in such a situation, but she responded differently than I would have. She looked him in the eyes, and said "If you shoot me, I won't die. You will only send me to the arms of my Jesus. But you, when you die, if you don't have Him, you'll die and go to Hell. And I don't want that, son. Do you?" and she sat there with that young man and told Him of Christ, of what God sent Him to do, and what he did for her and for him. And the man was reduced to tears. She prayed with him, hugged him, and gave him some money and invited him to church.

That's what it means to Fear Not.

Do you not realize what is at stake here? our lives may be at stake, but we've already given those up. As Paul wrote To live is Christ but to die is gain. We have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. but those who live outside of Christ have everything to lose.

A wise pastor, Johnny Hunt of First Baptist Church Woodstock, GA, once said at a men's conference I was attending, "You can't kill a Christian, all you can do is change their address"

In the Middle East, where Radical Islamic Terrorists are hunting and killing anyone who believes differently, be it Christian, Jew, or even a Muslim belief that differs from theirs, Christian families who have had their loved ones martyred praise God. Because they know that to be absent of the body is to be present of the Lord, and they knew, they KNEW that their loved ones took a stand for their faith, putting their lives to the side in favor of the name of Christ.

Yet, here in America, we get upset and angry when an atheist calls us names for praying in public, and we get upset as well if the Church isn't comfortable, or Sunday morning service goes longer than 12pm.

We're soft and we're fearful. I know I am. I know missionaries who put themselves in dangerous situations for the name of Jesus. And they know the cost. They have friends who went into the Mission Field and never came back, martyred for the Savior who called them to reach the lost at any cost.

so, why are we not counting the cost? Why are we not picking up our cross and truly following Him? We put our comforts and our things as idols before God, and we pacify ourselves in giving money and 'prayers and support' for the missionaries we support. We always look and say someone else is and will take care of it, as we kick back our la z boy and drink our soda while we watch our cable HDTVs.

I'm preaching to myself. I have no fear of standing for Christ here. I have no fear in sharing of what he's done for me. While I have moments, for the most part I have no fear of the upcoming surgery I'm facing. But... when I think about my friend who's called to the missions. I'm terrified of being called to that. Why? because, it would call me outside of my comfortable life. it will take me out of my control, what control God has 'allowed' me to hold on to. more like what I've stubbornly refused to relinquish.

Why am I afraid of losing control? Control is my idol. I am sinful in that I worship my control as much as I worship my Jesus. And I know I disappoint Him when I lose my battles to give up the control and let Him have full control of my life.

It boils down to I don't know what it is going to mean, and that frightens me. And I know there are so, so many that have that same fear. I pray that you will give up your control and give it up to Him. pray for me as I fight my war with the flesh to give up my control.

And above all, let us all strive to remember what God told us 365 times...

Fear Not.

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. - 1 John 4:18


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